Stories 2020

Welcome to the newest section of the blog – this will list the short stories/ features/ novellas that I have created.

All these stories exist in a Universe where they all hang together, which I call My Creative Universe (MCU) – hope no-one else has used that acronym 🙂

The first draft of the MCU can be found below (it’s too big for a post 🙂 )

The first ones are:

The Girl Who Came Back

1936, Puerto Maldonado, the gateway to the Amazon Jungle. The Leschenne sisters have disappeared, swallowed up by the jungle they wanted to explore and embrace. Clem Godley, a part-time PI and spy, has been tasked to find the sisters, dead or alive.
When the youngest sister, Lorelei, emerges unscathed from the jungle, Clem thinks his prayers have been answered – but has she returned alone?
The local priest, plagued with doubts about her true nature, confines her to the church. Fearing for her sanity, Clem frees her, and they escape to London, but there is something in the darkness that is never far behind, evidenced by a trail of bodies and blood.
Will Clem solve the mystery before he, Lorelei and his friends suffer the same grisly end?

The Gauntlet: The Bullied Kid

The Sixties, Roswell, New Mexico. Luis was nervous but excited about his first day at work. He soon discovered that the Roswell facility was full of strange characters – such as the bullying staff sergeant and the strange hooded creature. What other wonders and challenges awaited in the underground laboratories? Luis was eager to find out. However, becoming economically active drew the attention of the Gilbert Giancarlo gang, and Luis feared for his life.
After an accident in the underground labs, Luis thought he’d found a way to escape the bullying – but his actions caused events to spin out of control, threatening his family and friends.
Had things gone too far? Could Luis ever control the forces he had set in motion and would he survive the ultimate confrontation?